Banana-coconut / Berries / Mango-banana / Pineapple-mango
Matcha tea with a refreshing tonic
Matcha tea with banana and coconut milk
Matcha tea based on coconut milk
Matcha tea with orange juice
Orange, Apple, Tomato, Multivitamin, Pineapple
Black with lemon / Green
carbonated / non-carbonated
carbonated / non-carbonated
газована / негазована
black / fruity / herbal / green with jasmine / with bergamot
Bai Lu Zhun white / Gun Powder green / Da Hong Pao red / Milk Oolong
served with honey
served with honey
Anchan Thai Blue Tea, served with honey and lemon
Освіжаючий кава на основі кокосового молока з додаванням апельсинового та ананасового соку.
Evervess tonic, espresso
Espresso, orange juice, Aperol liqueur.
Espresso, orange juice, Aperol syrup.
with ice
Craft lemonade
Mango-Passionate / Strawberry-mint / Raspberry / Currant / Grapefruit
Orange / Coconut / Cucumber / Ginger / Peach